Saturday, May 25, 2019

Social Media About Muslims

SoRef. No H00144879 Short Essay Tutorial Online Learning Teacher Kristina Rajic Critical Writing & Analysis (C07CW) Impact of genial Media on Islam and Moslems Susan Ward defines societal media as a type of online media that expedites conversation as opposed to traditional media, which delivers content yet doesnt allow readers/viewers/listeners to varianceicipate in the creation or development of the content. Some of the common examples of social media are Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc. There is a wide variety of social medias in the Internet. People get more than attention to the things that are being shared from YouTube and Flickr nd posting them through Facebook or LinkedIn or MySpace. Social Networking sites spread news all over the bollock very quickly and swiftly. According to Suzy Ismail Social Media and networking sites must have and has definitely changed the spread of Islam and the perception of Muslims in the minds of many people around the mankind, peculiarly and mostly in the US and India. After the 9/11 bombings and destruction of the Twin Towers by Bin Laden, the growth of electronic and, in particular, social media has had an tinct on the lives of Muslims around the world. According to Khurram T. Dara (2011) every s undersidedal, controversy, or violent errorist attack perpetrated by Muslims is put under the microscope. He does not mean that the media has been trying to volitionally to spread stories one way or another about Muslims in US and the world. Of course, you have commentators and networks out in that location with agendas they want to push, but for the most part the advert the media has had comes in its evolution into a 24/7 industry. Everything is covered, regardless of whether it is quality journalism from reliable sources. (Dara, 2011) Social Media vie a crucial purpose in the way Muslims and Islam have been perceived over the years. Suzy Ismail continues, It would be tough for nyone to say that they have not hear d of Islam with the amount of coverage that our deen has received in the recent years through so many different media outlets. Further on she adds that Muslims have been vilified and simultaneously victimized especially after 9/11 in America. There seems to be two extreme reactions to the deen itself. One is which is sincere curiosity and interest that motivates education and the other is blind hatred and misunderstanding that leads to scapegoating and stereotyping. (Suzy Ismail) Social media presents a big opportunity to reach out to people who may not even know about Islam or Muslims. Thousands f Americans have neer met a Muslim but they have access through social media. In Texas, an event was set up where a Muslim woman is refused renovation in a bakery just because she has worn a headscarf. ABC News Hidden camera experiments THIS and the purpose is to see what peoples reaction would be, which was quite surprising. Recently in the last few weeks, a controversial American-? mad e trailer of an Anti-? Islam photo called Innocence Of Muslims has ignited protests across the Muslim world and continues to grow. It is just a trailer for a supposed future-? length film that was uploaded in YouTube a few weeks back in America by a an named Nakula Basseley Nakoula a. k. a Sam Bacile who is thought to be the writer, producer and promoter of the video. The Social Media raises complex questions about the freedom of speech in America (Ruth Startman, 2012). Social Media has played a vital role in the rapid spread of this video around the world by sharing it through Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.Many Muslim countries removed this video from their network, however the video still remains undeleted in America and other Non-? Muslim regions of the world. Twitter and Facebook have been undoubtedly the two networking sites with the most active Muslim users. These sites ave allowed us to connect with many important persons such as Imams and Sheiks, Political Leaders and so on. Some people are also there to cast a negative vote on Islam and are online just to do so. It can be overwhelming to not care about it, but we need to remember that social media has also given us the strength and the platform to express ourselves. In other ways, we can increase the positive impact of Social Media on the portrayal of Islam and Muslims by being more active online and by having lot of faith on Islam. (Dara, 2011) Social media is a great tool, which can be well used to spread Love, or abused to spread hatred.Let us choose love as every godliness of the world is themed to promote love among mankind. No matter what, love will always prevail as it is upon which everything in life is centered and without which there is no meaning in life. REFERENCES Ward, Susan Social Media Definition online. Available from http//sbinfocanada. about. com/od/socialmedia/g/soci almedia. htm (Accessed 28 Sept 2012) Salman, Javeria Impact of Media and Social Media on Islam and Muslims online. Available at http//islamicstudies. islammessage. com/Article. aspx? supporter=678 (Accessed 28 Sept 2012) Dara, T. Khurram (2011) The Crescent Drive ANESSAY ON IMPROVING THE IMAGE OF ISLAM IN AMERICA, Tensile. (Accessed 28 Sept 2012) ABC News hidden camera experiments racial discrimination in America What would you do? (Online video) Available at http//www. youtube. com/watch? v=UtWuOvdLRX4 (Accessed 28 Sept 2012) Innocence of Muslims, 2012 (online video) Available at http//www. youtube. com/watch? v=gORgR7UiXgY (Accessed 28 Sept 2012) Starkman, Ruth (2012) Its All the Rage The Innocence of Muslims, Social Media, and Free Speech (online) Available At http//www. huffingtonpost. com/ruth-? starkman/its-? all-? the-? rage-? the-? inno_b_1906050. html (Accessed 28 Sept 2012)

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